RPS Packaging v3.1.0
Last updated on June 28, 2021.
Welcome to the RPS v3.1.0 Packaging Documentation Landing Page
Rapid Provisioning System (RPS) is a flexible and powerful automation tool for managing software installation, updates, and configuration. This repository has been created specifically for RPS developers and other RPS administration patching roles.
What is RPS Packaging Documentation?
RPS Packaging documentation provides details about the RPS packaging system, including how to properly operate and maintain RPS; and how to load, deploy, and check the status of patches and ISOs in RPS.
Documentation bundled with RPS v3.1.0 is accurate as of 1/15/2021.
Updated documentation can be found at: https://reactr.azurewebsites.us
To access documentation on how to create, edit, delete, and download patches and ISOs in REACTR, please visit RPS Patching in REACTR, located at the website above.