Ports, Protocols, & Security Guide
Last updated on August 3, 2021.
Last Reviewed and Approved on PENDING REVIEW
Ports and Protocols
RPS uses various ports and protocols for operation. Some ports are configurable as part of the RPS deployment and configuration, and some are outside the management of RPS and/or not configurable. The table below shows these RPS components (where * indicates port is configurable via RPS).
Component | Description | Ports | Protocols |
RPS API | Direct management of configuration data in PostgreSQL Server. | 5432 | TCP |
RPS Sync Plugin | Synchronize Data and Static Files between RPS Nodes and managed RPS Targets. | 777* | HTTPS |
DFSR | Transfers files between nodes within a domain. | 445, 135 | RPC, TCP |
BITS | Transfers files between nodes on different domains. | 80, 443 | HTTP/S |
RPS Web | Administrative Website for RPS. | 8080* | HTTPS |
RPS Provisioning Service | Bare-metal/iPXE Service via the specific DNS name rpsprovisioning. | 443* | HTTPS |
TER Reader | Trust Element Repository – Reader (DCA) | 3443 | TCP |
TER Writer | Trust Element Repository – Writer (DCA) | 5443 | TCP |
WinRM | Windows Remote Management | 5985/5986 | HTTP/HTTPS |
SMB | File Sharing | 445 | SMB/HTTPS |
ICMP | Device Availability | ICMP | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | 67-69 | UDP |
DNS | Domain Name Server | 53 | UDP/TCP |
Table 1: RPS Ports and Protocols
The Host-Based Security System (HBSS) uses some common ports (e.g., ports 80, 443, 1433, etc.), though it requires additional ports be used for full operation. Please see the HBSS documentation, at https://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB66797.
Service Accounts
The following RPS accounts are used by RPS for the setup and maintenance of RPS nodes.
RPS Account Roles: Domain Accounts
Account (Role) | Description | Permissions |
DomainAdmin | Has full control of the domain. Administrator rights on all domain controllers and member servers. | AD: Domain Admin¹ |
DomainJoinAdmin | Used to join computers to the domain. Rights are scoped specifically for that purpose. | AD: Force change password Read/Write Computers |
ProvisioningServiceAccount | Provisioning Website App Pool Identity | SQL: Service Permissions² |
GuiServiceAccount | RPS Website App Pool Identity | AD: Domain Admin¹ RPS: Master Key Encryption |
SqlServiceAccount | SQL Server Service | AD: Log on as a Service |
CdnServiceAccount | Has Access to the CDN folder. | CDN Folder, BITS Message Queue |
DFSAdmin | Has minimum required permissions in Active Directory to manage DFSR. | AD: DFSR Management |
MasterKeyEncryption | Users with this role will be granted read permissions to the MasterKey certificate private key. | Read Only |
PluginClientAuth | Users with this role will get the RPS Web API client authentication certificates installed in their certificate store. | |
WebApiServiceAccount | Account used to run the Web API service and Sync. | AD: Domain Admin¹ SQL: Service Permissions² |
FileTransferServiceAccount | Account used to transfer files from ContentStore. | ContentStore NTFS permissions |
DhcpServiceAccount | Account used to authorize DHCP. | DHCP Admin |
DomainSchemaAdmin | Account used to extent the AD Schema and move domain controllers to different AD site. | AD: Schema Administrator, Domain Admin¹ |
DomainUser | Account used to export certificates from Root and CA local machine certificate store (ClientPki.ps1). | Logon Permissions |
TaskManagementServiceAccount | Domain level service account authorized to execute runbooks across the RPS domain. | AD: Domain Admin¹ |
ServerAdmin | Push certificates and settings; manage DSC configuration; pull files from content store. | AD: Domain Admin¹ |
Table 2: Domain Accounts
¹ Domain Administrator membership is required to create a new Domain Controller. After initial creation, the account should be removed from this group, but should still retain permissions to manage AD Users, Computers, Groups, and OUs.
² Service SQL permissions are scoped to the RpsDb only and include Execute, Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and SyncHistory change tracking view permissions.
RPS Account Roles: Server Accounts
Account (Role) | Description | Permissions |
LocalAdmin | Manage machine settings for non-domain joined computer. | Local Admin |
FileTransferServiceAccount | Account used to transfer files from ContentStore. | ContentStore NTFS permissions |
VMWareAdmin | Account used for VMWare configuration. | VMWare Administrator |
LocalAdminProvisioningOnly | Local Admin account, but only used for provisioning. | Local Admin |
Table 3: Server Accounts
RPS Account Roles: Other
Account (Role) | Description | Permissions |
PostgreSqlSuperAccount | PostgreSQL administrative account. | SQL |
DatabaseAccount | PostgreSQL account used by RPS to connect to the database. | SQL |
DomainSafeModeAdmin | Account that credentials are used to create the Domain Controller DSRM password; only used in ADSitesAndSubnets. |
Table 4: Other Accounts
Partial Configurations
All RPS partial configurations must define the following parameters:
- IPAddress - Accessible IP Address of the computer we will publish DSC Configuration to.
- DSCEncryptionCertificate - Information about the certificate used to encrypt the MOF (configuration). The LCM is set to use this certificate and any partials that are not secured will not run on a target.
- OutputPath - Location to temporarily store the MOF file once it is compiled.
For additional information, refer to the RPS article Authoring RPS DSC Partial Configurations.
RPS Runbooks
Many RPS PowerShell runbooks will need to connect to the Target (Computer) to perform their duty. To connect, you must get the appropriate credential and then establish a secure connection.
Runbooks use the Get-RpsCredential
or Get-AdminRoleCredential
cmdlet to load the right credential for the target,
then uses New-SecureSession
from Rps-Api to make the connection.
For additional information, refer to the RPS article Authoring RPS Runbooks.
Patch Management in RPS requires communication via HTTPS. The certificate authority (CA) that signed the web server's certificate must be trusted by the Linux client or patches will not be downloaded. This is done by installing the public certificate of the CA.
For additional information, refer to RPS Patching.
The RPS Solution uses certificates for a variety of functions, including:
- Website SSL binding for HTTPS encrypted transport between server (e.g., RPS Website) and client.
- RPS Sync Service for client/server authentication between subscriber (e.g., RPS Sync Service on Region) and distributor (e.g., RPS Sync Service on Master) nodes. The certificate thumbprints for all trusted nodes are whitelisted in the RPS CMDB.
- RPS Sync Service for HTTPS encrypted transport between server and client.
- DSC MOF file credentials encryption (by default, DSC encrypts the entire MOF file).
- Client Authentication for the DSC Pull Server.
- WinRM for HTTPS encrypted transport between server and client.
- SQL for HTTPS encrypted transport between server and client.
- Provisioning SSL binding for HTTPS encrypted transport between server (e.g., RPS Provisioning) and client.
- Encryption of secrets in the database (protected properties).
- Encryption of XML configurations.
Each certificate must be derived from a trusted root certificate that resides in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store in Certificate Manager on the RPS server(s).
Role | Distribution | Key Usages | Purpose |
DscEncryption | Per VM | Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment (30) | MOF credential encryption. |
DscPullServer | Per VM | DigitalSignature, Client Authentication | DSC Pull Server Client Authentication |
ProvisioningSSL | APP Master | Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment | HTTPS support for Provisioning Website. |
RpsClientCdn | Per VM | Client Authentication | Patching Certificate Authentications. |
RpsGuiSSL | Per APP VM | Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation, Key Encipherment (e0) | HTTPS support for RPS GUI Website. |
iPxeSSL | Per APP VM | Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation, Key Encipherment (e0) | HTTPS support for iPXE Website. |
MasterKeyEncryption | Per Node | Document Encryption, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment | Protecting the Master Key. |
NodeEncryption | Per APP VM | Document Encryption, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment | Encrypting node configuration. |
RpsRoot | Per VM | Certificate Signing, Off-line CRL Signing, CRL Signing (06) | Deriving other certificates. |
RpsSync | Per APP VM | Client Authentication | Allowing Sync to occur between nodes. |
RpsSyncSSL | Per APP VM | Key Encipherment, Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation | Data-in-transit encryption for node sync. |
SqlSSL | Per APP VM | Server Authentication | Data-in-transit encryption for SQL data. |
WinRM | Per VM | Server Authentication, Key Encipherment | Secure Connections to Targets. |
CertificateApi | Per VM | Client Authentication | Certificate Manager API REST Certificate Client Authentication. |
CertificateManager | Per VM | Client Authentication | Certificate API REST Certificate Client Authentication. |
RpsAPi | Per VM | Client Authentication | RPS API REST Certificate Client Authentication. |
RpsWebAPiSSL | Per APP VM | Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation, Key Encipherment (e0) | HTTPS Support for RPS Web API Host. |
WindowActivation | All | Digital Signature | CA Chain to Activate Office and Windows. |
WindowsActivationCA | All | Digital Signature, Certificate Signing, Offline CRL Signing, CRL Signing | CA Chain to Activate Office and Windows. |
Table 5: Certificates
Master Key
The Master Key (MK) is used to protect secrets in the database (i.e., credential/certificate passwords). Since the MK is high value, it is encrypted using the public key of a certificate. Appropriate users are given access to the private key of the Master Key Encryption Certificate (MKEC) so that they may access the MK and decrypt protected properties in the database.
The same MK should be used for all nodes that will share secrets. The default boundary for secrets is an Active Directory domain since domain accounts will likely need access to all domain computers. This implementation is fungible; however, any changes to the default implementation made by the customer/integrator may risk customer data.
Accounts that are preconfigured with the MasterKeyEncryption role during setup will have permissions to manipulate protected properties in the target environment. In order to give this permission to new users once RPS is installed, the role should be added to the appropriate account in the CMDB and DSC should be republished (at minimum, the RpsCertificate partial).
When a protected property is retrieved or set, access is determined by retrieving the MasterKeyCertThumbprint property on the node. If the user has access to the corresponding certificate private key in the LocalMachine\My store, they are granted access to the MK. If the user does not have rights to the MKEC, access to protected properties will be denied.